I wrote some stuff.


Inventory and Stash Search Plugin

Made for the packrats among us, this plugin adds a chat command and enhances your stash search field to help you find your errant items. While your inventory window is open, type what you're looking for into your chat prompt. It will highlight matching items from your inventory, paperdoll, and stash as you're typing, and also summarize the locations where it found them. Features It automatically starts searching as you type in your command in the chatbox or in the stash search field when the stash and/or inventory windows are open The name of the item to find is case insensitive and can be a partial phrase You can optionally specify legendary item quality (ancient, primal) You can also search by item type (e.g. legendary gem, potion) You can also search by set names for sets that don't have a common naming scheme (e.g. bastions of will, unhallowed essence, istvan's paired blades, gears of dreadlands) It will search within item sockets, in case you are searching for sock...

Party COE Plugin

This plugin is an enhancement of TurboHUD's default ConventionOfElementsBuffListPlugin to address many of the Convention of Elements plugin requests I've seen and wanted to exist.  Features: Movable Resizable Click to select or deselect elements for countdowns, can have multiple elements selected simultaneously, but only selects the singular highest element by default Automatic highest element selection also takes into consideration the skills on your bar Remembers other party members cycle positions so that their COE displays are still visible and cycling when they are out of range Toggle audio countdown cues on or off with a hotkey (Ctrl+V) when hovering over the COE display area or character portrait. Flag the audio cues to fire for another party member instead of yourself! Text To Speech is an option (but it gets desynchronized easily because of how it is implemented in TurboHUD) Multiple display modes, which you can toggle through with a hotkey (~) DisplayMode.All - shows...

Chat Command System

I wrote this TurboHUD plugin to commandeer the in-game chat prompt, adding another way to accept player input and make plugins respond to requests.  ChatCommand streamlines the implementation of custom chat commands, handling the quirks involved in polling for changes in UI text, parsing chat text and sending out neatly packaged notifications to IChatCommandHandler plugins that are listening for specific invocation strings. ChatCommand matches any kind of text at the beginning of the input string. It doesn't have to be a forward slash command, but I prefer forward slash commands because they don't show up to other players in chat when you submit them (press Enter). It also notifies interested plugins whenever there is a change in the command parameters, which allows a plugin to respond on-the-fly if desired, not just upon submit. Here is an example of a quick developer tool I put together with it that responds to a /texture  chat command and displays the provided textu...

Mage Gauge

For necromancer players, this shows a stack of countdown duration bars for each of your Skeletal Mages as a Movable panel. It also displays your resource count when you cast them, which may be useful if you're using the Singularity rune to gauge the relative strength of your current collection of mages. It also optionally shows damage multiplier labels at the mages' feet. The bars on the left show your essence when the mage was cast. The bars on the right are mage duration countdowns. Set ShowMageCircles to true if you want a decorator drawn at the feet of your mages (off by default). Set ShowMageDamageMultiplierLabels to false if you want to turn off damage multiplier labels (on by default). This is a plugin I wrote a looooooong while ago when Rat runs established themselves as a popular xp farming composition. Later on, I adapted it to use the Movable plugin system and updated it to account for the change to Haunted Visions. Installation Put MageGauge.cs into your TurboHUD...

Monster Counter Plugin

This TurboHUD plugin summarizes and tallies the debuff statuses and values of monsters nearby. Hovering over a status bar will highlight which monsters (of that same category - yellow, blue, or trash) on the screen do not have the status effect. It is inspired by SeaDragon's GLQ_MonstersCountPlugin , but with a different spin on displaying the data. The debuff statuses tracked depend on what is currently available to your party, and the ones that are handled by the plugin are: Witch Doctor - Locust Witch Doctor - Haunt Witch Doctor - Piranhas Necromancer - Frailty Necromancer - Leech Necromancer - Decrepify Necromancer - Krysbin Bleeding Demon Hunter - Marked For Death Demon Hunter - Entangle Strongarm Barbarian - Falter Wizard - Ignite More can be added by defining new  MonsterCounter.Countable rules, which work a lot like the UptimeRule for my old RunStats addon, UptimeHelper. The count reflects the numbers for monsters within 50yds of your character, but the...

Immunity Indicator Plugin

There are a few immunity-granting effects in Diablo 3, but there really isn't a cohesive way to tell at a glance whether or not your character is currently immune to damage. So, I wrote this TurboHUD plugin help fix that. It shows a movable countdown bar and visual hint (optional) when your character is under immune to damage. Currently, it checks your game state for the following immunities: Stasis - When you zone into a new area, you are (usually) immune from damage for up to 1 minute if you don't move or perform actions on your character. There are a few situations in which you aren't granted Stasis upon zoning to a new area, so this will help you know for sure whether or not it is in effect. Shield Pylon - This pylon buff's visual effect is so subtle that it is easily overlooked. Generic Invulnerability - When casting certain skills (such as teleports), you are immune to damage during the animation period Combined Damage Reduction - If for whatever reason, your ...

Cubed and Emanated Plugin

This is a quick rework of TurboHUD's default plugin for showing cubed legendary powers, adding Season 23's new emanated powers mechanic to the display. The left side shows cubed powers, and the right side shows your current hireling's emanated powers. It doesn't currently show Sage's or Cain's set bonuses, but I have some ideas about how I could display that. I couldn't find anything in the current version of TurboHUD that allows access to the new hireling equipment data, so I just checked for specific buffs. Because of this, the plugin will need to be updated in future patches to check for any newly added Emanate powers, unless TurboHUD is updated to allow hireling equipped item checks. Installation Put CubedAndEmanatedItems.cs into your TurboHUD \ plugins \ Razor folder

Movable Plugin System

While working on RunStats v2 for TurboHUD, I started to play around with implementing plugins that can be moved around on the screen dynamically. After a few iterations and a game-changing tip about how to detect mouse clicks, I turned it into its own library to make it easier to write standalone plugins where you can drag, resize, and toggle the display on or off in-game and then save those modifications. That's how I found myself working on drag and drop repositioning of menu items in RunStats v3 shortly thereafter. More on that later. Unified Modification Each plugin doesn't have to do it's own handling of mouse or key presses, and it doesn't have to define yet another hotkey for toggling stuff on or off, it can just focus on drawing data on the screen. A plugin that implements the IMovable interface will gain the ability to create movable areas that can be dragged around the screen and resized, and all of that code is handled behind the scenes by this library. All ...

Click Events Plugin

Although mouse click events are not the easiest way to interact with TurboHUD (because the Diablo 3 client also processes all the clicks), it's the most intuitive. When Dys told me how to check mouse button state in TH, I ran with it and have been spinning out plugins with click event functionality ever since.  This plugin polls mouse state and generates left and right mouse click events (frequency capped by TH's refresh rate, which maxes out at 60 FPS). It's a bit primitive, but works within the boundaries of the original TurboHUD v9.0 restrictions. Plugins that want to be notified of these events can simply implement the ILeftClickHandler and/or IRightClickHandler interfaces.  Most recently, I added the ability to substitute a keyboard press for a mouse click with IKeyEvent ClickEventHandler.SimulateLeftMouseClick and ClickEventHandler.SimulateRightMouseClick . Using my new Hotkey library, it treats the E key as the left mouse bottom and the R key as the right mouse butt...

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