Inventory and Stash Search Plugin
Made for the packrats among us, this plugin adds a chat command and enhances your stash search field to help you find your errant items. While your inventory window is open, type what you're looking for into your chat prompt. It will highlight matching items from your inventory, paperdoll, and stash as you're typing, and also summarize the locations where it found them. Features It automatically starts searching as you type in your command in the chatbox or in the stash search field when the stash and/or inventory windows are open The name of the item to find is case insensitive and can be a partial phrase You can optionally specify legendary item quality (ancient, primal) You can also search by item type (e.g. legendary gem, potion) You can also search by set names for sets that don't have a common naming scheme (e.g. bastions of will, unhallowed essence, istvan's paired blades, gears of dreadlands) It will search within item sockets, in case you are searching for sock...